
Things I am thankful for in 2019

December 31, 2019

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My husband

This year we celebrated seven years married! While our married life currently looks a lot different than most young couples married as long as we have been, I am thankful for the season we are in! In the last seven years Grant has earned a Masters degree, helped pastor a church, and now is in full time PHD work all while working full time to provide for us. He still manages to do his school work before I even get up, and make me breakfast every morning!

Healthy living

This year has been mostly health focused. In February I began eating cleaner and working out. Ive lost thirty pounds and have managed to keep it off (minus the extra holiday snacks). Ive switched a lot of the toxic chemicals in my home for clean ones, and I am slowly educating myself on how to do things a little more naturally.


After being married, and seeing how quickly our priorities changed, I am thankful for the friendships I do have! Every friendship slightly different than the other, but just what I need. As adults with busy lives its not easy to stay connected with friends, especially those in different seasons. This year ive been blessed with great friendships. I have a great community of wedding professionals that I can call my friends as well as a loving group of church friends. Both sets have become like family.

Busy year!

This year has been one of the best years in my business. The moment I think things are slowing down, they pick right back up! I am so thankful for the blessing being able to be my own boss, while it comes with challenges and a lot more stress I am so thankful for the support you all have shown me! I posted on instagram last night the top nine posts from 2019. Im honored that people care about the person behind the camera!

Things I am Committed to in 2020

Those that know me well, know I am not a fan of New Years resolutions. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with change. Im constantly striving for change! In my own experience my resolutions don’t last. They are stuck with for a little while then loose their luster, especially once life gets busy. 

I’ve been slowly planning out what changes I want to make in my business and personal life. Most of these changes I have already began, but with the start of this new decade I thought it was time to admit what those things are to keep me accountable!

Keeping it non-toxic

This one I have been working on for the last year! It takes effort! But I plan to share more about my journey with non toxic living in the future!

Cleaning one thing a day.

I grew up in a very clean home. I love having my place picked up and put together. So instead of one day a week cleaning up everything, Ive been cleaning up as I go. While my house may never fully be clean, I find myself way more productive when things are picked up and I have created a habit of putting things away when im done using them!

Commit to blogging weekly!

I love blogging my recent sessions, and over the years, not every session has been blogged, and I may never get to blogging every session, but i’m committed to blogging more frequently. You may have noticed me blogging a little more. My goal has been once a week. It may not always happen, but ive made blogging more of a priority in my business. What you can expect to see is more sessions, weddings, tips, and even more of my personal life! If there is anything you’d like to see feel free to reach out!

Focusing on a schedule!

I LOVE a good schedule, but I am also known to break that schedule. Each morning ive been attempting to write out my list of to dos for the day. Sometimes I find myself less stressed if I do this the night before. This allows me to stay focused. So if you have any tips for how to keep an organized schedule I am all ears!

Creating a better client experience!

This one has also been in the works for awhile. Im always changing and improving my client experience. I want to make sure that your session or wedding day runs smoothly! One of the ways ive been working on is creating educational resources for my clients. This includes/will eventually include a bridal guide, a guide to prepare you for your family or portrait session, blog posts to help make wedding day decisions easier, and more!

I look forward to what the Lord has planned for this next year!